General Questions & Information

Types of foreclosure homes our database contains:

Our extensive property database contains properties such as VA, HUD and other government agencies. Our database also provides access to real estate tax lien, foreclosure homes and pre-foreclosure information. Such information includes notices of default, trustee's sales, as well as lender-owned information as well as REOs and sheriff's auctions. Our listings are extensive and include single-family, multi-family and commercial foreclosure properties.

What information is provided for each property?

Members of have complete access to an limitless amount of resources, such as: photos (when available), property type, property style, square footage, price, address, as well as an approximated estimate of monthly payments based on a 30-year fixed rate. We also provide contact information for each property, such as the name of the agent to contact, contact phone number, the listing company and contact e-mail address.

Am I obligated to sign up for an entire year?

Members are not asked to commit to an annual sign up or lifetime commitment with Our members have the option of choosing a 7-day trial, a monthly or an annual membership. Although you can cancel at anytime, will not accept cancellation requests by e-mail, fax or phone calls.

How can a membership be canceled?

Canceling your subscription with is easy, by simply clicking on our ˇ§Cancel Your Membershipˇ¨ link. You will then be redirected to a new screen, where you will need to fill out a form and by following the instructions; your cancellation request will be processed.


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