The Maryland foreclosure process can take up to 9 months, sometimes even a year. It is very important to pay attention to all of the notices that you receive about your foreclosure from the lender if you want to know how long you can remain on the property before you are required to get out.
The Maryland foreclosure process must go through as set of filings with the court that occur in order and have to be spread 90 days apart. In most cases, the first filing is called the notice of default and lenders often wait until you are two or three payments behind on your mortgage first. After 90 days of still not paying or hearing from you the lender will assume you do not care and file for an intent to sell. This will be a scheduling of an auction at the county courthouse to sell the home to the public.
During the entire Maryland foreclosure process the lender will call you almost everyday and sometimes up to 10 times a day. You will receive numerous notifications in the mail prompting you to talk to the lender. If you respond to these notifications and calls the bank will do what they can to help you save your home. The biggest mistake that people make is avoid these methods of communications with the lender because they are embarrassed about their financial situation.
Avoiding notifications with the lender will show them that you do not intend to save your property and that you don’t care. If you wait too long and miss too many payments and then try to contact the lender they may not be interested in helping you with saving the property. Always remain in contact with the bank and let them know what you intend to do with the property.
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